Hi everybody!
Finally, I had a little free time to finish my third blog post: Unicorn - The UV process. This was a challenge because I was constantly changing resolutions and the number of UV tiles, as you can see in the video. I wanted to unwrap the head first, scale it to fill one UV tile and then unwrap the rest of the model based on the head UV shell texel density. As I always do, I group UV tiles by materials or similar parts. It is a lot easier to create material masks when I work like this. I would make a note here: when I did tests for details transfer, I realized that I will have hardware problems so I definitely need to change the number of tiles and address some of the issues that I made here (not putting patches in the middle of tiles - to have symmetry in the texturing phase). So, in the next video: Unicorn - Transferring Details you will see how I did the UV reorganization. Also, the low poly model is sent to Azbe Rihtarsic so he can rig it.